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IG-100 Magnaguards


“Army or not, you must realize, you are doomed..”
– General Grievous

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Protect key Separatist personnel with the IG-100 MagnaGuards Unit Expansion for Star Wars: Legion! These implacable droids are programmed as unflinching bodyguards for key Separatist commanders like General Grievous and Count Dooku. Armed with deadly electrostaffs and precision blaster pistols, the menacing MagnaGuards will continue to fight after losing limbs– or even their head!

This expansion puts a troop of six highly detailed, unpainted hard plastic IG-100 MagnaGuard miniatures at your command, enough for two special forces units. In addition to their standard electrostaffs, these miniatures can be assembled with a variety of alternate weaponry, including an RPS-6 rocket launcher, an electro-whip, and a unit leader that can appear with a precision laser dart. Additionally, eight upgrade cards give you even more options for your MagnaGuards, including two heavy weapons.


IG-100 Magnaguards – Star Wars Legion – Separatist Alliance – Fantasy Flight Games – Walt Disney – George Lucas – Strategy – Wargaming – WarMonger Games Malta

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