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Santo Domingo


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Set in the world of Port Royal, and also illustrated by Klemens Franz, Santo Domingo scratches the same itch of taking chances every round and using every bit of information available to score big

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When up to six players with equal prospects compete for supremacy, a good strategy and anticipation of the opponents‘ plans are key. In Santo Domingo, each player has the same set of eight action cards. Each turn, they choose one or two cards to play (depending on the number of players) and reveal them at the same time. The card actions are carried out in a specific order – one type of action at a time – and allow players to collect wares, trade wares for victory points or even collect victory points directly. However, due to a limited supply of wares and points per turn, the power of a card depends on the cards the opponents played.

Set in the world of Port Royal, and also illustrated by Klemens Franz, Santo Domingo scratches the same itch of taking chances every round and using every bit of information available to score big. However, as a stand-alone game Santo Domingo achieves this experience with entirely different, fresh mechanisms and with a more interactive gameplay.

When one player has at least twelve influence points — which are on both people and expedition cards — the game is played to the end of the round, giving everyone the same number of turns, then the player with the most influence points wins.


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