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Dice Hospital


In Dice Hospital, a worker placement board game, players are tasked with running a local hospital. Each round you’ll be admitting new patients, hiring specialists, building new departments, and treating as many incoming patients as you can.

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In Dice Hospital, a worker placement board game, players are tasked with running a local hospital. Each round you’ll be admitting new patients, hiring specialists, building new departments, and treating as many incoming patients as you can.

Players use their hospital staff to treat patients on their personal hospital player boards. However, players may also call in specialist staff to react to certain situations that arise to score more points with the authorities!

The game uses worker placement mechanics for the staff, dice as the patients where low scores indicate low health and a personal player board of actions to treat patients. The player with the highest reputation wins the game!

1-4 Players
45-90 Minutes
Ages 10+

Dice Hospital – Alley Cat Games – Hospital – Worker Placement – Strategy – Board Games – WarMonger Games Malta

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