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House Arano


To survive on the fringes of the Inner Sphere, those of noble birth must once again call on champions of mercenary mind.

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High Lady Kamea Arano led a rebellion, dispatched the usurpers who stole her throne, dismantled their dictatorial government, and restored peace to the Aurigan Coalition. Now her true battle begins…

The Arano Restoration has succeeded, and High Lady Kamea rules over the reunited Aurigan Coalition. But all is not well – the Coalition’s hardscrabble planets teeter on the brink of collapse, while its powerful neighbors await another chance to subvert House Arano. More than ever, the Coalition needs warriors willing to do whatever it takes to claim victory.

House Arano: The Aurigan Coalition brings the setting of the hit PC strategy game BattleTech into the long-running tabletop experience. Learn the proud history of the Coalition and its hope for the future, then take up the defense of the Arano dynasty with four all-new scenarios picking up where the game left off. House Arano: The Aurigan Coalition is authored by Harebrained Schemes’ Andrew McIntosh and Kiva Maginn, writer and developer of the BattleTech PC game.

To survive on the fringes of the Inner Sphere, those of noble birth must once again call on champions of mercenary mind.

Format :- Trade Paperback

Battletech – Mechwarrior – Catalyst Game Labs – Strategy – Role – Playing – War Gaming – WarMonger Games Malta

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