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Exceed Shovel Knight Hope


Arcade-style Fighting Action in Card Game Form!

Choose your fighter from an ever-growing roster of diverse characters, each with their own deck of special moves and supers. Play your cards to unleash fireballs, dragon punches, and combos on your opponent!

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Exceed is a tabletop fighting card game that puts a focus on pacing, speculation, hand management, and fast play. Exceed is designed as a game for players of all skill levels. The basic gameplay is easy to learn, but nuanced enough that you’ll still be learning new tricks for your favorite characters long after you start playing. Flexible options and cards with multiple uses let you adapt each fighter to your own style and to the needs of the moment.

Exceed Fighting System digs up four brand new fighters from the popular video game Shovel Knight. Bring the fast-paced action of head-to-head arcade fighting games to your tabletop. Choose your fighter from an ever-growing roster of diverse characters, each with their own deck of special moves and supers. Play your cards to unleash fireballs, dragon punches, and deadly combos on opponents!


This box contains 4 fighters and everything you need to play:

  • Shovel Knight & Shield Knight – It’s dangerous to go alone! Shield Knight joins Shovel Knight to fight together as a team once again. Work together with your partner to double-team foes!
  • Propeller Knight – Swoop and dance through the arena, striking with grace and precision as you dismantle your foes! If things prove too tough, send in your artillery crew to blow away the competition!
  • Mole Knight – Undermine your opponents by tunneling across the arena, attacking from every angle and giving no quarter! When the going gets tough, turn up the heat with even more burrowing power!
  • Tinker Knight – It’s time to put your master plan into play! Though you begin each duel frail, use this time to build up your mech, then unleash havoc in the second phase of the battle!


With the Exceed Fighting System, any fighter can battle against any other, regardless of their origin!


Exceed Shovel Knight – Hope – Exceed- Level 99 Games – Fighting – Video Game Themed – Card Games – WarMonger Games Malta

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