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Save The Treasure Of Fairy Tales


An evil king has burned all fairy tale books. Only one is left, and its sheets have been shredded and scattered in an enchanted garden.

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No more fairy tales! The evil king has torn the last pages from the fairy tale book and hidden them in his joyless castle garden. In Save the treasure of fairy tales, a group of brave children must sneak into the garden and find the pairs of pages from the fairy tale book before the king returns. Moving the garden tiles will reveal the fairy tale pages and each completed pair of pages will make the garden greener. Only when all children work together will they get away with the fairy treasure and defeat the evil king.

The award-winning game Save the treasure of fairy tales by “Kinderspiel des Jahres” designer Kai Haferkamp lets children immerse in their own fairy tale adventure — accompanied by the included fairy tale. The beautiful illustrations remind children of their favorite stories by the Grimm Brothers, which they can bring to safety using an original memory mechanic.


1 X game board

24 X fairy tale slabs

21 X garden slabs

4-part pathway

14 X storybook pages

1 X cord

1 X cherry tree

4 X children figures

1 X king  instruction

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