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Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory


The economy is failing, and a heavy political resignation is paralyzing the country. In these troubling times, the only one who can provide guidance is… you!

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Simulate a whole contemporary nation in this asymmetric, politico-economic board game

The economy is failing, and a heavy political resignation is paralyzing the country. In these troubling times, the only one who can provide guidance is… you!

Will you take control of the middle – or working class and fight for social reforms?
Or do you stand with the corporations and the free market? Or will you help the government to keep it all together?

Whatever you decide, know that your decisions will decide the fate of the nation!

Hegemony is an asymmetric political board game for 2-4 players that lets you simulate a whole nation! Engage in political intrigues, forge great economic strategies and astonish your foes by cunning maneuvers to increase the power of your class and carry out your agenda. Create an ideological consensus, become the hegemon and lead your people to wealth and prosperity!

The game was made in cooperation with renown academics and uses theoretical concepts such as Socialism, Neoliberalism, Nationalism, Globalism without prescribing any ideology. Build companies, initiate strikes, engage in foreign trade, propose policies, create unions, expand your political influence, and much more and simultaneously you will learn more about the world around you!

Will you be able to achieve hegemony?


Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory – Hegemonic Project – Economic Management – Strategy – Political – Board Games – WarMonger Games Malta

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