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Euro-inspired tactical combat in an evolving campaign…

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Gloomhaven is a game of Euro-inspired tactical combat in a persistent world of shifting motives. Players will take on the role of a wandering adventurer with their own special set of skills and their own reasons for traveling to this dark corner of the world. Players must work together out of necessity to clear out menacing dungeons and forgotten ruins. In the process, they will enhance their abilities with experience and loot, discover new locations to explore and plunder, and expand an ever-branching story fueled by the decisions they make.

Each turn, a player chooses two cards to play out of their hand. The number on the top card determines their initiative for the round. Each card also has a top and bottom power, and when it is a player’s turn in the initiative order, they determine whether to use the top power of one card and the bottom power of the other, or vice-versa. Players must be careful, though, because over time they will permanently lose cards from their hands. If they take too long to clear a dungeon, they may end up exhausted and be forced to retreat.



1x Rule book
1x Scenario book
1x Town records book
3x Sealed envelopes
1x Labeled A
1x Labeled B
1x Labeled X
1x Decoder card (Unlisted in Rule Book Components section)
1x Map board
4x Sticker sheets
1x Location 1
1x Location 2
1x Enhancement
1x Global achievement

Scenario Tiles:

30x 2-Sided map tiles
155x 2-Sided overlay tiles
6x Wood element discs [Fire, ice, air, earth, light, dark]
1x Element infusion board
1x Round tracker


18x Character miniatures/boxes
17x Character tuck boxes
17x Character boards
17x Character pads
505x Character ability cards [#1-505]
85x Character tokens
457x Attack modifier cards
312x Character [#1-312]
145x General [#313-457]
4x HP/XP dials
4x Player reference cards
1x Party pad


236x Monster standees (Rule Book Components section has a typo of ‘240’, correction here)
222x Standard
14x Bosses
232x Monster ability cards [#516-747]
47x Monster stat sheets
34x Standard
13x Boss
6x Monster stat sleeves
4x 1-6
2x 1-10
24x Plastic standees
8x Yellow
16x White


253x Item cards
228x Standard items [#748-975]
25x Random items [#491-515]


150x Event cards
69x Road events [#1-69]
81x City events [#1-81]
24x Battle goal cards [#458-481]
9x Random scenario cards [#482-490]
24x Personal quest cards [#510-533]
40x Random dungeon cards
20x Dungeon [#534-553]
20x Monster [#554-573]


32x Summon tokens
16x Summons
16x Trackers
60x Status tokens (see Status Tokens Breakdown for more details)
50x Money tokens
40x ‘1’
10x ‘5’
46x Damage tokens
28x ‘1’
12x ‘5’
6x ‘10’
10x Scenario aid tokens
12x Objective tokens


Gloomhaven – Cephalofair Games – Fantasy – Adventure – CoOperative – Dungeon Crawler  – Board Games – WarMonger Games Malta



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