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Bloodborne Board Game


The town of Yharnam is at the mercy of a plague, only the Hunters can stop it.

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Revered for its healing techniques, the town of Yharnam is rapidly degenerating as a plague that turns people into beasts spreads uncontrollably. As a Hunter, it falls on you to quell this growing threat. You will have to fight through beasts, monsters, and townsfolk alike to survive the night and discover the source of this madness.

In Bloodborne: The Board Game, a campaign-based action-adventure game, players will take on the role of Hunters working together against the game to uncover the mysteries hidden within the city of Yharnam and beyond. Featuring unique Trick Weapons, each with various forms and powers, Hunters will have to think quickly and adapt their tactics to overcome the multitude of foes that stand in their way. Learn their behavior, exploit their weaknesses, and strike them down! Featuring unique card-driven combat, luck has little place here. Success or failure will depend on your choices and how you approach each engagement!


Bloodborne Board Game – CMON Games – Cool Mini Or Not – Video Game – Fantasy – Horror – Cooperative – Board Game – WarMonger Games Malta

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