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Thenn Warriors


You’ll need strength, cunning, and strategy to win the Iron Throne.

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Not all the Free Folk’s Warriors Use Scavenged Weapons and Armor

Most of the Free Folk’s forces arm and armor themselves with whatever they can craft along the way to battle or steal off of their fallen enemies. The Thenn Warriors are different. They have forged their own bronze weapons and armor, making them the most heavily-armed troops in the Free Folk army. While their equipment might not stand up to the castle-forged steel of the southern forces, it fares better than leather and fur shirts.

The Thenn Warriors unit box gives Free Folk commanders their arguably hardiest troops on the battlefield. Their increased armor has given them a sense of invulnerability, calling out Taunts to their enemies, causing charges to be targeted at them instead of other units. They also benefit from Set Defense, which means they ignore penalties from being charged, or attacked in the flank or rear. Coming with the unit is the Chosen of Styr Unit Attachment, whose Intimidating presence causes an enemy to become Weakened when they activate.

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.


Cool Mini Or Not –  CMON – Free Folk – A Song Of Ice And Fire – Game Of  Thrones – WarMonger Games Malta – Strategy – War Gaming

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