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Lannister Poor Fellows


You’ll need strength, cunning, and strategy to win the Iron Throne.

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Unshakable Faith Can See a Man Through Any Conflict


Whilst the Warrior’s Sons are Elite Units that fight for the Faith of the Seven, the Poor Fellows are their peasant counterpart. With the Seven Pointed Star carved into their bodies as their only protection their faith is unwavering and their Morale is strong, albeit they are poorly equipped.


  • This is a cheap unit, that can serve to fill gaps in your army.
  • Their Reinforcements ability helps to mitigate their poor defense value and keep them alive during the battle. But be careful! These units are quite easy to bully and destroy.
  • The Fanatical Zeal ability is what really makes the Poor Fellows shine! Allowing them to deal Wounds by expending Faith Tokens, they can menace units that would generally outclass them.


WarMonger Games Malta – House Lannister – A Song Of Ice And Fire – CMON Games – Game Of  Thrones – Strategy – War Gaming

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