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Mother Of Dragons


You’ll need strength, cunning, and strategy to win the Iron Throne.

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The Dragons Take Flight


Unburnt from the pyre that cremated her husband, Khal Drogo, and the witch, Mirri Maz Duur, Daenerys arises with three dragon hatchlings. Soon these small creatures grow in size and ferocity, but ever close to their mother. This incredible box brings to the game two versions of Daenerys as a Commander and all three dragons as devastating units!

Tactical Points

  • Dragons are formidable creatures, they deal Wounds directly to enemy units instead of Hits and can easily fly over enemy troops to attack them from the Flank or Rear!
  • Daenerys, Mother of Dragons is a great Commander to get the most out of your dragons, not only through her cards, but also by reducing their cost to field in the army. You must use all three dragons though.
  • Daenerys, Queen of Mereen brings a more tactical approach to the Targaryen army through her cards and her NCU ability.

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.


Mother Of Dragons – Cool Mini Or Not –  CMON – Lannister – A Song Of Ice And Fire – Game Of  Thrones – Fantasy – Strategy – War Gaming – WarMonger Games Malta

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