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Free Folk Raiders


You’ll need strength, cunning, and strategy to win the Iron Throne.

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One thing the Free Folk have above all else is strength of numbers. The great Houses only send their trained soldiers into battle, but everyone that’s part of the Free Folk can be put on the battle line. While these troops wear no armor and are equipped with not much more than scavenged weapons and bits of bone, they can crush their opponents by simply overwhelming them with massive waves of screaming, tearing, bashing units. So, while an unseasoned commander might look across the field and laugh at their lack of sophistication, a veteran leader will know to never underestimate the power of these troops. For when one falls, there are invariably two more ready to take their place in the fight.

The Free Folk Raiders Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Free Folk commanders a relatively cheap unit to fill out their ranks. At only three points apiece, they are the cheapest unit currently in the game. A player could easily fill their entire deployment zone with trays of these troops, especially considering that they must be fielded in pairs due to their Raid Party special rule. While their stats might be what some would consider sub-par, their cheap cost means there’s plenty of them around. Also, their Insignificant rule means they aren’t worth any Victory Points via Victory Through Combat. Free Folk commanders can feel at-ease, flinging these grunts at whatever their opponent may bring without having to fear that they’re going to be giving up Victory Points for no reason.


WarMonger Games Malta – Free Folk – A Song Of Ice And Fire – Game Of  Thrones – Strategy – War Gaming

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