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D&D Spellcards Monster 0-5 Deck


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The Spellbook cards are an invaluable resource for both players and Dungeon Masters.

With these spell details at their fingertips, they can save time, keep the action up, and avoid stalling the game by flipping through books.

Each deck contains laminated cards that players and Dungeon Masters can use as a quick reference resource during Dungeon & Dragons tabletop play.

Monsters exist at the heart of every game of Dungeons & Dragons, and monster cards make accessing the information contained in the Monster Manual easier than ever.

Quickly organize the creatures your players might meet in your next game and avoid disruption during that critical encounter.

Monster Cards are a fantastic way to keep the game moving, as well as to provide a challenge to adventurers both new and experienced.

– Contains 179 durable, laminated cards for a range of deadly monsters from the D&D Monster Manual with a challenge rating from 0 – 5.
– Up-to-date game statistics provided on one side, and evocative art of the item on the other.
– The perfect tool to help Dungeon Masters manage and reference their menagerie during play.


WarMonger Games Malta – Monster Cards – Dungeons And Dragons – Fantasy – Adventure – Role Playing Games

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