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D&D Spellcards Bard


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The Spellbook cards are an invaluable resource for both players and Dungeon Masters.

With these spell details at their fingertips, they can save time, keep the action up, and avoid stalling the game by flipping through books.

Each deck contains laminated cards that players and Dungeon Masters can use as a quick reference resource during Dungeon & Dragons tabletop play.

This deck of spell cards are an invaluable resource for any magic-user. Consult the entire deck when selecting new spells to learn, and after a long rest you can set aside those spells you want to prepare for the day. Each deck is made from thick laminated card so they will stand the test of time.

•Spell name and important info is easy to find for quick reference.

•Descriptive / Mechanical text is written in full wherever possible. When it isn’t, a Player’s Handbook page reference is given.

•Scaling spells have an additional section with details on how they improve.

•Card backs prominently display spell level for easy sorting.

•The Spell cards are highly durable and are made to last. Each card has a coating that protects them and makes them safe to use with dry erase markers.

•Contains all 128 Bard spell cards from level 1 to 9.


WarMonger Games Malta – Bard – Dungeons And Dragons – Fantasy – Adventure – Role Playing Games

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