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Brothers War Mishra’s Burnished Banner


Commander is an exciting, unique way to play Magic that is all about awesome legendary creatures, big plays, and battling your friends in epic multiplayer games!

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Choose your commander and carve your path to victory in this unique multiplayer Magic format. Team up with a legendary creature that powers up your strategy and capitalize on your superior synergies to make sure you’re the last player standing.

Retro-Frame Commander Decks

Travel back in time with an entire deck of Retro-Frame cards!

Every card in The Brothers’ War Commander Decks is Retro-Frame and full of historical artifacts that may save the future of the Multiverse.

Witness history in the making with battle strategies led by the legendary brothers themselves.

Mishra’s gepolijste banner (blauw-zwart-rood): Roep Mishra op en wring elke druppel waarde uit uw wegwerpartefacten. Kopieer je offerkaarten voor enorm voordeel en win de oorlog met een van je kolossale wezens!

Meet the Legends

Urza: Urza is a legend across Dominaria, both cursed and revered. Long, long ago, Urza waged war with his brother, Mishra, and nearly destroyed his home plane in the process. A master of machines, he created an entire army with a relentless focus: victory.

Mishra: For years, Mishra labored in his older brother’s shadow. This tension would later lead to war—a war Mishra was determined to win no matter what. A talented artificer in his own right, Mishra oversaw the production of legions of machines designed to destroy his oh-so-perfect sibling. Mishra’s beliefs are clear: win the war at any cost.

Collector Booster Sample Pack

Rediscover powerful artifacts from Magic’s history reprinted with retro frames. You may even find the original schematics, with Retro-Frame Schematic artifact cards featuring alternate art that showcases the inventor’s sketches and designs. Each The Brothers’ War Commander Deck comes with a 2-card Collector Booster Sample pack that includes 1–2 Retro-Frame Artifact cards. Every sample pack contains: – 1 Traditional Foil Retro or Schematic Artifact Uncommon card

– 1 Traditional Foil or Nonfoil Special Treatment card of rarity Rare or higher

(Retro-Frame Artifact, Retro-Frame Schematic Artifact, Borderless, or Extended-Art)


This Commander deck contains:

  • Contains Retro-Frame 100-card The Brothers’ War Commander Deck – Urza’s Iron Alliance (White-Blue-Black)
  • Every card in the deck is Retro-Frame, with 2 Traditional Foil Retro-Frame Legendary cards + 98 Nonfoil Retro-Frame cards
  • 2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack – contains 1 special treatment card of rarity Rare or higher and at least 1 Traditional Foil Retro-Frame Artifact card
  • Accessories – 1 Traditional Foil Display Commander, 10 double-sided tokens, life tracker, and deck box
  • Construct an army of artifact creatures with the legendary master artificer, Urza
  • Ready-to-play deck introduces 10 MTG cards not found in the BRO main set


Mishra’s Burnished Banner – The Brothers War – Magic The Gathering – Commander – Wizards of the Coast – Trading – Card Game – WarMonger Games Malta

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