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Ascension Deliverance


The realm of dreams has become a living nightmare. With the portal between the unconscious and conscious worlds opened, Vigil has descended into madness. Only you can harness the power needed to close the portal to the Dreamscape and restore the reality.

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The world will never be the same.

The Dreamscape was sealed, locked away by the champions of New Vigil, and protected by its defender: Pasetheya, the Aegis. But no doors stay locked forever.

It was in the Valley of the Ancients, in the forgotten jungles of the world, that explorers came upon a new gate to the Dreamscape; a portal manifest during the years of Adayu’s madness.

Despite the warnings, they broke open the portal and could only watch as all the horrors of the unconscious realm flooded into their world in a tidal wave of delirium. Emri, Dartha, Kor, and Cetra, the immortal champions of New Vigil, fought desperately to close the gate, but in the end, they found themselves among the first of the Dreamscape’s victims, warped by its power.
The energy seeped into the ground, infected the plants and animals, and changed the nature of all things.

New andterrifying monsters sprung up, bringing death, madness, and chaos to the people of every faction.

But from the chaos, new heroes rose up, different from the champions of old. These heroes did not reject the dreamscape energy; they embraced it. Learning to wield it as weapons, channel it as magic, and harness it as fuel for their machines.

This is the final push to free the land from madness once and for all. As New Vigil dissolves into a state of delirium, you must lead the champions of the old world and the heroes of the new to call forth Pasythea, the protector of the Dreamscape, to seal the gate and stabilize the world.

New Vigil’s deliverance is in your hands!

Contents & Mechanics

  • Use Dreambind powers to force nightmarish monsters to do your bidding.
  • Use insight to transform your heroes into warriors of legend.
  • Playable as a standalone 1-4 player game, or combine with other Ascension games to play up to 6 players.
  • 199 Cards
  • Game Board
  • Rulebook
  • 13 Two-Sided Transform Cards
  • 30 Deluxe Honor Tokens
  • 30 Deluxe Insight Tokens


WarMonger Games Malta – Stone Blade Entertainment – Ascension – Card Games

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