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The Dwarves: Coreset


Save the world of Girdlegard together!

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Take the roles of the five dwarves Tungdil, Balyndis, Boëndal, Boïndil and Bavragor, well-known characters by millions of readers of the German beststeller novel series The Dwarves by Markus Heitz. Save Girdlegard together! Complete quests, fight the evil forces, and influence the Dwarf Council. But most of all: Forge Keenfire and complete the last great quest…

The world of The Dwarves will come to life on your gaming table in this cooperative game due to its atmospheric illustrations and detailed plastic dwarf figures. There are several difficulty levels to choose from, from easy to heroic. Help these little brawlers to survive against Orcs, Trolls and Älfar! You shouldn’t tempt dwarves for fun, but this game tempts you to have fun with them!


1 x game board

5 x character boards

5 x Dwarven figures

5 x health tokens

56 x tiles

7 x number dice and 3 x recruitment dice

30 x Ork troops, 25 x Troll troops and 20 x Älfar troops

5 x scenario tokens

12 x scenario cards

30 x adventure cards

15 x threat card

22 x equipment cards

1 x Instructions


WarMonger Games Malta – Board Games

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