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Stardew Valley: The Board Game


Stardew Valley: The Board Game is a cooperative game where players work together to restore the Valley.

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The Story of the Board Game

In 2018 Eric Barone and Cole Medeiros, introduced online through their mutual friend Matt Griffin, played a co-op game of Stardew Valley and discussed the idea of making a Stardew Valley board game. They didn’t know exactly what it would look like, but they knew Stardew had all the components of a great board game.

Over the next year they iterated through many, many prototypes. They knew it’d be collaborative, but wondered how you would “win” a game like Stardew, which in essence is a relaxing, on-going experience intentionally left without a strict ending. Eventually the combination of Community Center Bundles and Grandpa’s Goals emerged, providing a satisfying way to engage with all aspects of Stardew Valley.

The second year was spent playtesting and refining, as well as taking special care with the art style. Mechanics of the game were honed and adjusted until they felt just right. The art went through many iterations to capture that Stardew magic. A lot of people helped along the way, and with each new playthrough the game got a little bit better.

Eric invested a lot of time into this project, whatever he could spare while still developing new content for the video game. Cole put in countless nights and weekends, as that was the only time he had available. And now the game is ready! We truly hope you enjoy it.

About the Game

A cooperative board game of farming and friendship based on the Stardew Valley video game by Eric Barone. Work together with your fellow farmers to save the Valley from the nefarious JojaMart Corporation! To do this, you’ll need to farm, fish, friend and find all kinds of different resources to fulfill your Grandpa’s Goals and restore the Community Center. Collect all kinds of items, raise animals, and explore the Mine. Gain powerful upgrades and skills and as the seasons pass see if you’re able to protect the magic of Stardew Valley!

The goal of the game is to complete Grandpa’s Goals and restore the Community Center, which requires you to gather different types of resources represented by tiles. You have a fixed amount of turns to accomplish this. This is driven by the Season Deck of 20 cards, one of which is drawn each turn to trigger certain events. Cooperatively the players decide each turn where they will focus their individual actions and place their pawn in that part of the Valley. Using their actions, they visit specific locations, trying to gather resources to complete their collective goals. Actions include things like: watering crops, trying to catch fish, rolling dice to explore the mines, and many more. When the Season Deck is exhausted, the game ends.


Stardew Valley: The Board Game – Concerned Ape Games – Video Game – Animals – Farming – Cooperative – Board Game – WarMonger Games Malta

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