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Italy during the 15th century was a country full of intrigue and magnificence.


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In Signorie, you will play the role of a Signore, a Lord of one of the most prestigious families of the Renaissance. One at the time, players choose one die from a common pool. (Twenty dice in five colors are rolled at the beginning of each round.) You place it on your player board (your city) and perform one of the possible actions. The color of the chosen die determines the action, and the number on the die is a discount on the cost of the action.

During a round, each player can perform up to four actions. At the end of the round, if the sum of a player’s chosen dice is equal or lower than 13, he can obtain a reward.

The dice mechanism is easy and innovative and gives players a simple, but challenging choice. Money is always tight, so there is a temptation to choose a high valued dice, but that needs to be balanced with obtaining the reward.


WarMonger Games Malta – Board Games

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